Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentine's Day Musings

So I have a few things to say about Valentine's Day:

1) This holiday, although it does have some cute sentiment, is probably the worst holiday ever invented.  I hate to sound like a bitter love-hating bitch, but really? If you do not have a significant other or a close family member to be your family member to be your Valentine, this holiday can make you feel worthless & depressed.  

SOLUTION:  BE IN LOVE WITH YOURSELF!!  COMPLIMENT YOURSELF, BUY YOURSELF FLOWERS!  It's okay to be your own Valentine, because you know exactly how great you are!

2)  "If your Significant other doesn't get you something, then he's an awful person."  All the adds say "Hey, IF you actually have someone that 'loves' you, they HAVE to get you this and that!"  NOT TRUE.  Of course as a woman I have an incredibly deep romantic side to me, and I LOVE a great romantic gesture (gifts, flowers etc), but you HAVE to take in to account the kind of person you are with!  My ex was very "romantic"; romantic things to say, little romantic gestures all the time, but he was in love with someone else the whole time we were together.  The guy I am dating right now is definitely not romantic; he likes to pick on me, goad me, piss me off sometimes, gross me out etc.  We both agreed we would keep this not-serious for quite a while considering our past relationships; I don't expect grand gestures from him.  So when he tells me something nice or sweet it means more to me than all the things my ex ever did/bought,  combined.  KEEP THIS IN MIND:  buying a box of candy for you may seem FAKE to him.  Vice versa: If my guy had given me a present for Valentine's, I would've felt awkward.

SOLUTION:  BUY YOURSELF A PRESENT!  Some cute stuff comes out around this holiday; take advantage & buy yourself something great! Don't put too much pressure on your guy.  No one likes a whiney, demanding woman.  And I talk from personal experience: this is not something worth fighting over.  Now, if he makes plans & then ditches you, you have permission to beat his ass for promising an important date with no delivery.  However, this applies at any time. ;)

3) Valentine's should focus a little more on alternative Valentine's! I'd love to see tons of commercials about how your sister, your father, your best friend, your cousin, your son or daughter could be your Valentine: Love is not limited to romantic relationships, you should celebrate the deep love you have for family members and good friends. :)

SOLUTION:  Buy a bouquet and give all the women in your life one flower with a little note saying they're loved: take your son or brother to their favorite restaurant or take them fishing!  This shouldn't be ALL about what the woman wants: HUSBAND'S AND BOYFRIEND'S LIKE A LITTLE ATTENTION, TOO. Although, really, lingerie is all ya need! ;)

I didn't expect a thing from Al, the guy I'm dating, for V-Day.  When nothing happened out of the ordinary, I was not disappointed, either.  I bought myself a small bouquet of flowers & every time I look at them I smile & give myself some small compliment.  This society is so focused on being "perfect" that women come down hard on themselves all too often.  Learn to compliment yourself every day and I assure you that guys will notice an inner confidence about you that is so sexy.

I hope everyone had a wonderful day! :)
Thanks for reading!


Sunday, January 2, 2011

Earrings galore!

Unfortunately I do not have a working camera right now so I can't take outfit pictures. I have resorted to using my phones' camera.  Sorry for the wonky quality. :)

I found these earrings on clearance at Charlotte Russe.... 
they make a pretty tinkly noise when I move my head hehe

I love these Peacock colors the most!  And now you see my kitteh! Bandit is 2 1/2 yrs old & she hates when I kiss/cuddle her! ha!

  these are also some Charlotte Russe beauties!

Happy New Year! 2011

Happy New Year, 2011!
I wanted to start this blog to forget last years events & to start anew.  To separate & improve myself from what I'd become the last 4 years.

I had another blog that was supposed to be about my ex & I and our "family," however I forgot who I was in all that & am now slowly making the transition to improving myself & honing my skills at painting.

I live out on my own for the first time in my life... with my wonderful Best Friend/Seester, Mary, & her boyfriend, Bobby.  I moved in a few months ago & still have a ton of stuff to organize & unpack.  

My main interest in this blog is to give myself a creative outlet. I like to dabble in fashion, painting, home decorating, creative organizing, jewelry making, knitting & sewing.  I hope to showcase all my projects & maybe pass along some great ideas to others.

Thank you for taking the time to read through!
Mary & I